Monday, November 2, 2009
Congrats to Uncle Tyler!
I want to give a big shout out to my little (BIG) bro! Congrats Tyler for his new job at our Church, Gold Creek Community Church. I am more than proud of him and so blessed to have him working at our church and getting to spend time with him. He works in the graphic arts department (i guess you can call it that) of our church. He has talent in so many areas and I can't wait to see what God has in store for him!!
Love ya little bro!
Posted by Sara at 10:34 PM 0 comments
The many faces of Nena...
Posted by Sara at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Our friend's (Nette and Gavin) son, Hudson, came over for a weekend sleep over in September. Kena loved EVERY minute. They were so adorable with each other. She can't wait for another sleep over!
Posted by Sara at 10:13 PM 0 comments
What we have been doing....
Sorry we haven't been in the blogging world lately...we just have been so busy! With what you might ask? We are potty training at this house...which takes all hands on deck. Kena was ready so we decided to take the 'leap' and really start working on potty training. Kena will be starting preschool in a year and the kiddos HAVE to be able to use the potty. This give us the allowed time...pacing ourselves for your normal 'set backs'.
Of course, we run into the issue of....Kena being very stubborn. Her quote "I do it myself" is constantly being used. She pulls up the stool (yes, she is short like her mother...but I don't need to use a stool), puts her own potty on and takes off the pants. Most of the time we just let her do it.
Now, we will reveal what 'method' we are using for Kena, once she is potty trained.
I want to give a thanks to Auntie Melissa for capturing all her glory.
Posted by Sara at 9:56 PM 0 comments