I have been awful, I know!
It has been two months since I updated Makena's blog. I was doing really well there for awhile, but life happens, and I got side tracked.
Two major holidays has passed and we are preparing for the another one. Halloween Makena was a little monkey and she is the cutest monkey ever. Monkey has been her nickname since she was in my tummy and she continues to have the name. Grandpa Craig even bought her a 'monkey rug' (a face of a monkey) for her room, its the best! We didn't have been children at our house, just enough to get rid of the good candy so we didn't sit and eat all of it.
Then right around the corner was Thanksgiving. Adam and I decided since we bought a new house and have the new baby we would have it at our house! Wow, were we in for a task! In the morning we had my parents over for parade watching and coffee. Then over came Adam's parents, sister, brother in law and kena's cousins. We had a great time. Adam made a fablous turkey and I made my green bean casarole (which I don't even eat!)
Now, the best part of the year! We have went all out for Christmas this year. Sunday after Thanksgiving we got out our boots and went through the cold to find our tree. Kena did a great job, even falling asleep in Uncle Tyler's arms. We found a cute Christmas tree that fits great in our Family Room. We had a fake tree from last year so I put that up in the Living Room, yes two trees. Day after Thanksgiving Adam put up the Christmas lights as I decorated the whole house. Adam was very proud of his work, showing it off to Kena that day.
Last weekend we had Adam's Mother's side of the family come up from Oregon. It was quite a busy weekend with all 21 one of us (5 kids under the age of 3). Relatives 'ooh' and 'ahh' over her adorable face (and who wouldn't???) On Sunday was a very special day, she was dedicated to the Lord by our friend, Youth Pastor Brian Dickison from our church. She wore a very special dress, my mother smocked and Adam's mom sewed the dress. Very cute. Then we had a little party with cake at our house afterwards. She was so cute and she knew it was her very special day.
Makena is now on formula only and she is chunking up! We go to the doctor on Monday so we will see how much she weighs. She is also teething, which is so much fun. I don't know what is more fun, the drooling or the screaming.
Well I will posted pictures soon.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Posted by Sara at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Makena's Room
I was thinking the other day, there are some of you who haven't seen Makena's bedroom (I don't really like to call it a nursery). I worked really hard at it for a couple of months before she arrived. Adam and I are pretty modern people, so her room is modern. We didn't like most of the girly bedding out there, but we feel her bedding is perfect! So here is a tour of her bedroom!
Posted by Sara at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
When Mommy is away...
Posted by Sara at 5:55 PM 0 comments
A Crisp Fall Day...
Posted by Sara at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Getting so big!
Posted by Sara at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Being "New Parents"...its a hard job!
Makena is offically 10 weeks and 2 days old. Adam and both are figuring out that being parents is not an easy job! We are very blessed to have Makena sleeping between the hours of 10 pm- 4ish am, feed then back down until 7:30ish. You would think that is enough sleep for one person, its not. Trying to catch up from the last 10 weeks is hard!
Today she had her two month check up! She is getting bigger, but not as big as we thought. She is now 8 lbs 6 ounces and 22 inches long! Dr. Suzuki said she is getting bigger, but just remember what she was born at, it will take awhile to 'catch up'. I like to tell Adam that she might be a midget. She had four shots today and she took it like a pro! I was so proud of her. Daddy had to comfort her as I turnned my head, its just too much for a mommy to watch. So the rest of the day will be spent spoilling her and relaxing.
We had Pete stay with us earlier last week. He has been at my parents house since Makena was born. Adam and I didn't know about having him back so we had a 'trial run' with him last week. He did great with Kena, but we decided that he needed more attention then we were able to give. So we are proud to say that Grandpa Craig and Grandma Cindy are the new owners of Petey, the wonder dog! We will have Kena visit Petey often as he is still important to us and Petey did love Kena. While she was napping he would want to check on her! It was VERY cute, but hard to do when I, myself, was trying to get things done around the house. We love Petey so much but I think he will do so much better at the Grandparents house.
Yesterday Adam started his new job at Nova Fisheries. He is spending this week getting to know the 'ropes' and also buying a new camera (which is WAAAAY better than our digtal!), computer and 'work truck'. God has put some amazing people in our life and this job will be great for Adam!
Well baby Kena is crying, feeding time!
Posted by Sara at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Updated Pictures...
Posted by Sara at 2:21 PM 2 comments
What a special day!
Yesterday, October 1st, Makena had a very special day. My Grandparents Matheson, Makena's Great Grandparents had a stop over on a cruise they were on and it happened to be in Seattle! They had about 6 hours or so to leave the ship and do what they please, so they came to visit us. We had a great salmon dinner, thanks to Adam, and her Great Grandpa and Grandma got to enjoy little Makena. We also had my cousin Jesse and his son Ethan over. Of course Grandma Cindy was there too making sure Makena was being held at all times possible. Makena behaved great and really enjoyed 'studying' Great Grandma Matheson's face. She was super cute in a little dress with pants under (daddy always make sure that she isn't too girly). The dress didn't last long after they left, she totally had a blow-out so we are lucky it lasted that long.
On the night of September 30th, Makena slept from 10:30pm til 5:30 am! All the next day we were basking in the well restedness...neatless to say, I jinxed it. Last night she was up at 3:30 then at 7:00, so long rested nights.
Makena has also found her fists, which is so funny to watch. We will be sitting there hearing a 'sucking' noice "what the heck is that??" oh that is kena sucking on her fists and drolling all over. She has also began to 'track' mom and dad when walking accross the room. It's so amazing how fast they grow up!
I will post pictures on a separate blog.
Cross Family
Posted by Sara at 12:46 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 28, 2007
Now Introducing Makena Cross!
Posted by Sara at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Starting a blog...
Hi Friends and Family,
I thought that I should jump on board with techy stuff and do a blog about our little Makena. It might be easier than emailing to catch you all up on Little Miss Makena and the rest of the family. I will try to keep it up dated as long as Makena takes long naps.
Let me do a little catch up on Makena.
She was born August 4th, 11:47pm (the midwife swore that Makena would be born that day) via a long day of laboring, pushing, then a c-section. At birth she was 5 lbs 12 ounces, a little one! As of right now, she is eight weeks (tomorrow) and over 7 lbs and 13 ounces! She is smiling and cooing, like a big girl!!
Mom and dad are doing great! I did really well after the c-section, I chop it up to already having stomach surgery years ago. I was up and walking 12 hours after the surgery! Adam is the most wonderful father of all time. Gosh Makena is so blessed to have a father like him!
She is a very stylish dressed little girl thanks to her Grandma Cindy (mommy has a 'photoshoot' everyday!) and all her clothes fit her nicely thanks to Grandma Alice (Makena is long, but oh so skinny!)
I will hopefully will keep this blog updated with pictures and little stories!
The Cross Family
Adam, Sara and Makena
Posted by Sara at 3:34 PM 1 comments