So in a blog entry, oh so long ago, I said iIwould let you know how we potty trainned M. Now, please keep in mind, it won't work for everyone! M is a very independant, strong, stubborn, first born. So we had to take a little bit of a different approach.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
the adventures in potty fairy land...
Posted by Sara at 9:46 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010

Posted by Sara at 9:17 PM 0 comments
no i am not knocking mcdonald's here...i am simply saying "hey mcdonald's...i think you went a little too far". it has got to be the nastiness thing i have ever seen. no wait...yes...yeah it is. it out beats the 'famous kfc bowls' shown in commericals a few years back.

now its your turn....what do you think? maybe wash it down with a tall beer?
Posted by Sara at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
We are a..... in progress!
please ignore the mess! i decided, while sipping wine and watching "Community", to change my blog. frankly, i was bored with it and needed a change.
if anyone can help...look at the little sweet window at the top of the page...HOW ON EARTH do i get a actual picture in that!
Posted by Sara at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I guess I am that bad...
yeah, i totally suck.
i thought i would be more on top of things lately, but let me honest...i am not.
let me catch you up on a few things that has been going on in the Cross' household.
-Christmas came and gone in a blur. however, the piles and piles of garbage is still around. oh and so is that freak'n poundage that i 'luckily' gainned from christmas sweets (note the scarasim.). damn you holiday sweets. those cookies get me everytime. does everyone need like, three cookies, to go with their coffee?
-kena is day potty trained. how we did it? i will never know.
-kena has decided to never take naps again. which makes mommy sad...i miss my OWN naps. a single tear for what was a nice two hour nap time...with out whinning. now the time that was spent updating my blog, is now...watching my two year old not taking a nap.
-Adam recieved a NEW job! yes!! Praise God, for adam's new job at American Cancer Society. i will do a whole post on his new job and what that entails (any runners out there?).
-i have been reading! finished jennifer wiener's "good night nobody" around Christmas time and now working on "Tweak" by Nic Sheff (a compain book to "beautiful boy" by his father David Sheff).
-crap dang it...i am addicted to...crossword puzzles and wordsearches. And not just the same old puzzles and wordsearches...its those damn celebrity ones. i just bought my second 'people puzzler' from people magazine. hense why i am tired because i stay up doing those things!
-both adam and i had two weeks off. sorry, i hung out with my fam playing games.
-i thought kena wouldn't get the 'terrible twos' but guess what??? it has smacked me in the butt. kena has hit the terrible twos...and is running with it. the whinning, drives me nuts. so i have been trying to 'nip it in the bud' before it gets too far. hopefully there isn't too much damage.
-life gets crazy. i guess sometimes i HAVE to do laundry...when everyone runs out of underwear.
-i am loving some new blogs! I will follow up with a later post with my NEW favorite blogs!
Ok, I gotta get back to watching my 'friends' dvd's and my crossword puzzle. wow did i like age 30 years just then?
Posted by Sara at 10:06 PM 1 comments