Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the adventures in potty fairy land...

So in a blog entry, oh so long ago, I said iIwould let you know how we potty trainned M. Now, please keep in mind, it won't work for everyone! M is a very independant, strong, stubborn, first born. So we had to take a little bit of a different approach.

So, at first to get M excited about going potty and having a direct reward (decided against giving her candy...because, well have you seen her? she would be tricky, so she can get more candy). So for a pee- she got a sticker. For a poop, she got to make a phone call. And for some reason, that made her excited! She got to call who ever she wanted (before hand we 'warned' those who might be getting phone calls) Her fav's her boppa and g'ma/ auntie and Olivia. Once she grasped that idea and didn't need the phone calls, but still needed some kind of...reward...we introduced "The Potty Fairy".

M, being the stubborn child of mine (who the heck did she get that from?) decided she was DONE taking naps. So I morn the death of NAPS at 2 and half years old. So we didn't need to work on staying dry while sleeping, we will save that til later. So, if M stayed dry all day...then after her bath time the 'potty fairy' would visit (i would sneak into her bathroom and be the 'potty fairy' when she wasn't looking). PF would bring a small toy...a matchbox car or a puzzle, on the toliet. For some reason, that worked! She loved getting little toys at the end of the day...and she was so proud of herself.

Her end of day potty training kind of coinceided with christmas, so PF took a break while Santa took over and gave her presents on Christmas. However, if it didn't work that way then the PF would have brought a big present to end her adventure with M and that M was potty trainned.

Now, of course M has her slip ups. It happens and that is ok.


Hannah said...

Good for you guys...we are waiting for warmer weather unless I see that Wyatt is ready. He is just now telling us when he poops in his diaper, so we are almost there...first I need to put my two bathrooms back together again.