If you are to sign up, run and raise money for ACS, you will be apart of "DetermiNation". As a member of DetermiNation, you will not only be raising money to END Cancer, but you will receive Rockstar treatment, including (but not only):
-Free Group Race Training
-VIP treatment on race day
-Free entrance fee into the Rock n Roll Marathon1
-Many More! (click on the Rockstar treatment link for more info)
Have you ever thought..."One day I would like to run/walk/crawl/moan/cry through a marathon!"? Then this is your time to do it! You can do either the half or full marathon, while raising money for ACS. Click on the following link: ACS to get more information.
Or email Adam, my hubby, at adam.cross@cancer.org Call him at 206-406-9626

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