I have no excuse. Well really I do, her name is Makena and the older she gets the more attention she needs! So my excuse is my daughter to not keeping up with my blog.
I will paraphase what has happened over the last few weeks....
-Makena started eatting solids, big surprise, she loves it! Her favorite is bananas (which is only fitting since her nickname is Monkey) and peas.
-She loves spitting bubbles.
-She is sitting up all on her own, for quite awhile. I love that she can just sit on the floor and we don't have to worry about little bumps on the head.
-She is a BIG roller, but only from her tummy to her back, only on the left. She can do both, but she favors the left. Which tends to lead me to think she is a lefty.
-We had our first ever stomach bug, which resulted into a trip to the ER (a 7 hour trip mind you!)
-She LOVES playing now! She LOVES playing with her cousins Noah and Olivia and her boyfriend Riley.
-She LOVES dancing and music (atta girl!).
That is brief, but you mainly get the point. She had her 6 month appointment and weighted 15lbs 12 oz and is 25 inches long! She is wearing mainly 6-9 month clothing and now is trying size 3 diapers! She is getting to be such a big girl.
Her real personality has been shining through the last couple of weeks. Big smiles, laughs and dancing (geez can this girl dance!). Kena is a big cuddler and loves hanging onto mommy and daddy in the morning as she wakes up. Point blank she is the best little girl ever. We adore her. The first couple of months were really hard for me (I struggled with post partum depression), but now that Kena has gotten to know me and I have gotten to know her you can't separate us! Leaving for working in the morning is hard to do, but seeing her face when I come home is more than worth it. Her big smile, she throws her head back and then lets out her little clackle, it melts your heart.
Our Monkey is a half a year old, where has the time gone???
What a grown up girl! Kaiya can't wait to have a play date! Keep the pictures coming.... :D
Love the new back ground!!! Love the hat picture!
She IS a little fatty! That's right, kid, eat up! Good to hear from you, Momma :)
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