Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to .....ME!

We celebrated my birthday/mother's day the whole last weekend. I got to sleep in...priceless.

As tradition, we go to Trophy Cupcake in Seattle to grab a birthday cupcake and 'take in' the people behind the counter decorating the cupcakes. Since it was mother's day the next day and Saturday being so popular for weddings they had around 10 people making, baking and decorating. I so wanted to take a picture of the busy bees, but thought I shouldn't be 'that person'.

Afterwards off to walk around U Village...just to look. We didn't take a stroller for Kena, which makes it more fun to let Kena decide where she wanted to go. You will see in pictures below...she got a tad bit wet from the frog water fountian.

Once home, I got to rest and enjoy the rest of the day. My parents stopped by for a bbq later that night.