We are moving! Well blog spots...not houses!
Take a look at Kena and Cooper!!! I thought Cooper should be included in this family too!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Check us out....
Posted by Sara at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Did this happen to any of you?
Ok this is going to be more of a Rant then a Rave....
I got married almost six years ago to the most amazing man ever and I am very blessed by that. That, however is NOT my rant.
I went to Seattle Pacific University for two years, while there I did live in the dorms there. Emerson, being brand new, on three different floors over the two years I was there. I made some great friends, friends I thought would be with me for a long time. I met Adam Winter of my second year at SPU. My friends loved him and I thought he fit in quite nicely.
We got engaged the following Fall (I was already unenrolled in SPU...and going to a community college)...then got married the Fall after that. All of those friends attended my wedding and some of them even served as Bridesmaids. Even my maid of honor was a SPU friend.
Once we got married and settled in, we hosted a few parties at our appartment...just steps away from the SPU campus where most of them lived. I visited there too, however it was hard for me since I was working a full time job and Adam was going to school and working also.
And then...it stopped.
The hanging out stopped...they didn't call...no emails.
We moved to Bothell a year after we got married and lost contact completely. Its not like we weren't a drive away.
Here is my question...when you got married, did you lose friends? Or big events in your life where you thought you would have those friends and now they have disappeared?
I am sad because I do see them still get together on facebook...They are my friends on facebook too so its nice to see how their lives are turning out.
I have kept in contact with one, Melissa W, who is just wonderful. Also I kept in touch with Derek by reading his wife's adorbs blog.
The Rave part of this....I LOVE my friends now. They are absolutely the best people out there. Adam and I are continuely blessed by. But there is always something in the back of my head that wonders, what the heck happened there?
We are blessed by those friends that come by to hang out...neighbors that watch out for you and your children. I have fanastic "mom" friends, a "photography" buddy that helps me with questions, my "post partumn depression friends", a fab "forever" friend that seriously is more like a sister than a friend, my "gossip" friend(s)...I have everything that a girl can ask for.
So really this is more of a Rave...because I have such great friends.
Posted by Sara at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Rock n Roll Marathon...American Cancer Society Benefiting Charity

Posted by Sara at 9:35 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Some New Pictures.
Inbetween the computer situation, craziness at the house and...A BABY ON THE WAY...we have been a bit busy...
Here are some pictures of our sweet girl....
Kena's Swimming Lessons
Posted by Sara at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
Gold Creek Community Church
Either if you are close or far...you can enjoy my home church's Easter Service via the web!
Yes, our church is super techy...
Easter Services at Gold Creek
Friday 7pm
Saturday 7pm
Sunday 9am, 10:30am and noon
Or Live at
Also, my baby brother (who works at the church) will be playing drums with the encounter band!
Posted by Sara at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Little Known Facts...
Just a few tidbits of yours truly....
-I am in fact 26 years old...even though I look 16. I know everyone says to enjoy it...I hate it.
-I am probably the worse housekeeper you will ever meet. I guess I don't care who sees my dust! I also have a tendency to burn food too....which makes me think....
-That I am a little ADD. Simply because I am so distracted. Ask my husband....I am not allowed to watch tv in the morning because I get so distracted. Hence the many projects I have around the house that I have yet to finish.
-I suffer from Depression and Anxiety. God has given me the courage to be able to share with other women, especially mothers, my story. I also had horrible Post Partunm Depression with Kena.
-I really enjoy blogging...and just wish I had a little more time to do it.
-I really wish I was musically talented...like my brother.
-I LOVE music. Silence kills me. We always have music going on at the house.
-My true passion is helping others. I was studying sociology when I was in college. I loved it because I enjoy learning about others.
-I prayed when I was pregnant with Kena that she would be a compassionate person.
-I love Jesus and are amazed daily at his grace, love and understanding.
-My church is more than just a church...its family.
-Even though I am not the most girly girl, I do love planning weddings. I thought about doing that as a job, but then realized that I am may not have the most patience....
-I am also an extremely impatient person.
Posted by Sara at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My dear friend Kisha
I woke up this morning to check my facebook and found this picture posted on my profile...
Now, if you don't know...I have the hugest celebrity crush on Joel McHale (from the Soup and Community). Kisha over at In through the out door, her crush is McDreamy from Grey's. These would our, lets say, top on our "laminated list" (yes I am pulling a friends' reference).
So I don't know how the crap Kisha found it...but a picture of our two dream men (keep in mind both of US are married, happily)...together. We can only wish right???
Posted by Sara at 3:44 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
This commentary was written Monday March 15th....
-As I sat today watching a Josh Groban DVD (don't judge me, Kena wanted 'ball' music) the song "You Raise Me Up" started. And all i could think of is five and half years ago at my wedding and how far things have come.
With Makena sitting next to me, distoring my day planner, surrounded by the morning mess, I think back to me in a stunning white wedding dress. "You Raise Me Up" was the song my father and I danced to at my wedding. I never seen my father cry so much in my life. I think of twenty years from now, our own daugther could be getting married. She too will pick a special song to dance to with her father. And just like my father, Kena's father will sway his "little girl" (now in her twenties) ad tears will stream down his face. Much like the way Kena and her father dances now, with a total different meaning. He will then hand off his "little girl" to her new husband, both egger to start a beautiful life together.
Three years ago this month we found out our new addition will be a daughter, as she proudly displayed her "girl bits" (I will spear you all the ultra sound photo). Driving home from the ultra sound appointment I vowed to never in anways have a 'girly girl'. Speed forward 3 years later, as I look at our playroom floor, cluttered with scarfes, jewels, purses and a castle made of mega blocks for princesses, that I do in fact have a girly girl. I hate to break little Kena's heart and tell her that, sadly, we do not live in a castle. We will let her figure that one out on her own.
Bottom line, God laughs when you say 'never'.....but I digress....
I had to make myself stop thinking about the future, enjoy my time with Makena, because before you know it, I will be watching her dance with her father in a stunning white wedding dress.
.....Lets just hope one of the wedding colors is NOT sliver.
Posted by Sara at 8:16 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Posted by Sara at 6:47 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
A little break....
..not on purpose!
my computer, finally, did bite the dust. it was time...well not really, but i guess my computer decided it was. now we are on the search for a cheap, great and hopefully orange laptop! if i don't get my orange laptop adam said that i can get a cool orange sticker from etsy (i am thinking a little orange birdie on a tree). until then, i have limited time on the hubs' computer so i won't be able to update my blog as often. also, no new pictures until i can download them on a safe, new computer!
until then....check out my friend's blog!!! Kisha, who is a friend i met at work, has an awesome blog, she is a great writter! please check out her blog! also she has 'freebie fridays' where she gives away some awesome prizes!!!!
In Through the Out Door
will be back soon!
Posted by Sara at 8:04 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
the adventures in potty fairy land...
So in a blog entry, oh so long ago, I said iIwould let you know how we potty trainned M. Now, please keep in mind, it won't work for everyone! M is a very independant, strong, stubborn, first born. So we had to take a little bit of a different approach.
Posted by Sara at 9:46 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010

Posted by Sara at 9:17 PM 0 comments
no i am not knocking mcdonald's here...i am simply saying "hey mcdonald's...i think you went a little too far". it has got to be the nastiness thing i have ever seen. no wait...yes...yeah it is. it out beats the 'famous kfc bowls' shown in commericals a few years back.

now its your turn....what do you think? maybe wash it down with a tall beer?
Posted by Sara at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
We are a.....
...work in progress!
please ignore the mess! i decided, while sipping wine and watching "Community", to change my blog. frankly, i was bored with it and needed a change.
if anyone can help...look at the little sweet window at the top of the page...HOW ON EARTH do i get a actual picture in that!
Posted by Sara at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I guess I am that bad...
yeah, i totally suck.
i thought i would be more on top of things lately, but let me honest...i am not.
let me catch you up on a few things that has been going on in the Cross' household.
-Christmas came and gone in a blur. however, the piles and piles of garbage is still around. oh and so is that freak'n poundage that i 'luckily' gainned from christmas sweets (note the scarasim.). damn you holiday sweets. those cookies get me everytime. does everyone need like, three cookies, to go with their coffee?
-kena is day potty trained. how we did it? i will never know.
-kena has decided to never take naps again. which makes mommy sad...i miss my OWN naps. a single tear for what was a nice two hour nap time...with out whinning. now the time that was spent updating my blog, is now...watching my two year old not taking a nap.
-Adam recieved a NEW job! yes!! Praise God, for adam's new job at American Cancer Society. i will do a whole post on his new job and what that entails (any runners out there?).
-i have been reading! finished jennifer wiener's "good night nobody" around Christmas time and now working on "Tweak" by Nic Sheff (a compain book to "beautiful boy" by his father David Sheff).
-crap dang it...i am addicted to...crossword puzzles and wordsearches. And not just the same old puzzles and wordsearches...its those damn celebrity ones. i just bought my second 'people puzzler' from people magazine. hense why i am tired because i stay up doing those things!
-both adam and i had two weeks off. sorry, i hung out with my fam playing games.
-i thought kena wouldn't get the 'terrible twos' but guess what??? it has smacked me in the butt. kena has hit the terrible twos...and is running with it. the whinning, drives me nuts. so i have been trying to 'nip it in the bud' before it gets too far. hopefully there isn't too much damage.
-life gets crazy. i guess sometimes i HAVE to do laundry...when everyone runs out of underwear.
-i am loving some new blogs! I will follow up with a later post with my NEW favorite blogs!
Ok, I gotta get back to watching my 'friends' dvd's and my crossword puzzle. wow did i like age 30 years just then?
Posted by Sara at 10:06 PM 1 comments