Wednesday, May 28, 2008


As most of you know, Kena has been struggling with Ezcema for quite some time now. We tried EVERYTHING and when I say everything I mean it! Johnson and Johnson to Burts Bees to Earth's Best Baby Products. Nothing could clear up her skin. Finally we have come across 'California Baby' products. The most amazing stuff in the world. I have read that they have great products from some of my 'green' blogs that I read. They are sort of expensive, hard to find (the only place is Target with a few products.) but we thought we should give it a try. After her frist bath...amazing...second...even better! And the cream we used..smells like lavender and works on her ezcema within a day. She had a spot on her head, I put the cream on and by the afternoon it was gone! Finally the quest is over and I have a great smelling, non ezcema child!


As you might have read in past blogs, music is really important to our family. I am the only one on my side of the family that doesn't play guitar and my brother is a musical genius. That is Tyler's guitar Kena is holding in the picture. We LOVE music, rarely do we listen to 'children's music' because, well I can't stand most of it. Raffi (because really he is a hippie and has good messages in his songs) and Recess Monkey (a local Seattle band) are what we listen to. If she needs to calm down we will listen to 'Rockabye Baby' coldplay or Queens of the Stone Age. But I rather pop in some David Grey and have her listen to that. The other day I was talking to her "auntie" Liz (Brown) telling her that Kena LOVES her music. We both said, she will play the drums almost at the same time. I think its great that others find that 'crazyness' in Kena. She is also so laid back that she gets excited to hear Jack Johnson, which of course is one of my favorites also. There is this song called 'Banana Pancakes' that is so sweet. It talks about why do all those things you have to do (work, laundry, etc) when the world is right there in your arms. I can't wait for our trip to Hawaii to have Kena experence Banana Pancakes at a little restraunt in Maui.

Kena rarely goes into the nursery at church, its not because we are lazy, its because she loves the music too much. She will dance on top of the chairs, I feel it is her special way of praising the Lord. Of course she has her favorite songs normally with a loud drum. Once the music stops and Pastor dan speaks she starts to cry that is our que to take her into the nursery.
Really there wasn't much of a point to this blog, sometimes I just have to blab!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Kena said her first word on Tuesday...and I am honored to say it is...mama!!! It is the sweetest thing a mother can ever hear. And if you are wondering "did she really say it?", I dropped her off at Grandma Alice's yesterday and I when I left the room to the kitchen, she said "mama". So I think she says it with intent. We love her so much!!

She also has another tooth, yes 'ghetto' mouth has her fourth tooth on the bottom. She is a crack up.

We are back to the rain in the northwest. It was so nice to have sunny weather, Kena loved it and I loved dressing her in skirts and tanks! Oh well, it will be summer soon enough!

Monday, May 19, 2008


We went to a garage sale in the Laurelhurst neighborhood on Saturday and while out we saw this super cute park to stop and play at. Kena...LOVES the swing!!! She was cracking up, she loved so much. I guess its time to invest in a swing...

My favorite picture!


Noah and Kena. Kena adores him!!
Look at that tongue!
How Noah and Livvy play.

Livvy, what a cutie!
Its hard to get a picture of Noah.
Sweet Noah!
Noah and Auntie Melissa (Noah's Mom)!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


The sun did finally come out, after many hours of checking out the window to see if the sun was peeking. Kena and I got a late start this morning, but because I had a fussy child or I didn't take a shower. It was because most of Kena's clothes did not fit her. Let me rephrase that, Kena is in a werid size. Since she so short and a little chubby, either clothes will fit her in length and can't get over her head or belly. Or some things will fit over her head, then are massively long. I went through three outfits before I threw my arms up and decided to just put her in comfy clothes. I guess its time to go through her clothes again. UGH!

We did end up going to the pool, but we didn't go in. I took pictures of Kena, Noah and Livvy which I will post later. There will be more pictures taken tomorrow...


Like so many of you we are preparing for the 'hot' weather that they promise we are getting this week. Its foggy right now, so I can't see the sun, but its also only 6:30 in the morning. I have Kena's swimming bag all pack (Adam's parents own a pool) even with her cute new bathing suit (g'ma bought her a cute one with ruffles on the butt!). I asked Adam to bring down the 'summer clothes' from storage and we will see if I can still fit in my old clothes. Doubtful, but worth a try.

No matter what I am bringing my camera (which is always in my hand) and I will take some pics!

Monkey kisses!
Sara and Makena

Monday, May 12, 2008


On Saturday we celebrated my 25th (yes 25 years) birthday with our dear friends at our house. We had a wine and cheese tasting party. Here are some pictures.

Remember I am still learning to take pictures!!


Hey Everyone! Here are a few pictures of Kena with our new camera (which I am totally in love with). I have always been amazed by photography and I can give a try with my new camera!! I love more 'artsy' pictures, so these are mostly artsy.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


The last couple of days have been really busy. Friday was my 25th birthday and Adam and I got some alone time at had a great dinner at PF Changs. Makena and Adam bought me a Nikon D40 camera for my birthday/Mother's Day. You have no idea how excited I am! Our digtal was starting to bite it (and its only a few years old) and I really wanted a camera to take pictures of Kena. She has such beautiful skin, our old camera just didn't capture it. I have taken close to 100 pictures already and will up load them in a day or two.

Yesterday my dear friend Suzeann and I hosted a Baby Shower for our Friend Kristin. We had the party at Suz's house which made it easier for me. It was perfect and so much fun!

Then yesterday night Adam threw me a "Wine & Cheese Tasting Party" for my birthday. Good Gravy did we have a great time. 18 of our close friends came to celebrate my birthday and I was completely honored. Adam did a beautiful job, even making little tags for the cheeses and seafood explaining about them. Our friends are just amazing and we had a great time...

Sorry to make this short I will write more later....

Thursday, May 8, 2008


So, I am exhausted and of course Makena is not. Last night Adam had to stay up at the cabin on Camano Island (sorry mom...we couldn't make it up) because...well to make a long story kinda short, he lost the key to the cabin and had to stay the night until Phil (the owner) was able to get up there and lock up the cabin. He gave himself until dark to find the key (which might be under a pile of dirt, 3 feet deep) so I didn't have time to get Kena packed for a fun night at the Cabin (that is why we couldn't make it mom).

It was just the girls at the Cross household last night. I had my knitting, a glass of wine and Friends DVDs in for a quiet night (Kena fell asleep at 7pm). Boy, was I wrong. What I should have done was fall asleep the same time Kena did. Kena woke up 4 times last night, one time at 2am screaming. Come to find out it was a wet diaper, but normally Kena is easy going about that stuff. She woke up promptly at 6:01am this morning, yes right on the dot. I don't sleep well while Adam is gone, so I was going on little sleep. She woke up with a runny nose, crap! So to speed up to now, 11am she hasn't taken a nap and we think she is teething. Thank goodness for Ellen (we are watching it right now) and she loves to dance with her.

Exhausted, that I am. How I keep going, right now I have NO idea. My house is trashed and we are still in our jammies. And I hear my bed calling my name, but I can't answer it right now.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Hey everyone, this will be a short blog, since I am practially falling asleep at the laptop (while watching 'Friends' with my knitting beside me)

We went to Kena's doctor's yesterday for her 9 month check are her stats...

weight- 19.15lbs...75%
height- 26 1/2 inches...10%
Head- 43.5cm.... +25%

Yes you read that right...her head is off the charts. Atta girl! She is turning into a mama's girl!


Monday, May 5, 2008


Hey friends...Lots of new postings and pictures!!

Also, someone brought to my attention that the links to the right didn't work...they do now! Enjoy some of my favorite sites!


Makena was sick a couple of days ago, we thought it was the chicken poxs but it was a bad case of ezcema. Kena has been exposed twice to the poxs and so far hasn't gotten it. But Princess day is when she is sick and gets whatever the heck she wants. So I set up the "princess chair" and let her eat snacks-puffs-out of a bowl while in her seat. Let me remind you this is the first time she ate anything out of a bowl.

So, it started nice and clean, one puff in the mouth. Then two, four, big handfulls. Kena decided that was way to slow so she dumped the whole bowl of puffs in her mouth....needless to say, this picture was taken before that incident. And yes that is elmo...shut up.


Happy Birthday to my favorite Niece Olivia! Today is her first birthday! On Sunday The Friedrich's had her first birthday party and boy was it fun. Livvy was a little under the weather but that didn't stop her from munching on that cake. We had a great time and have pictures to share.... Happy Birthday Livvy!
Little Makena!

Little Janna!
Many presents!

Auntie Melissa and Olivia!
Grand"ma" and Olivia

You can NEVER get Noah to sit still!!!