Wednesday, May 28, 2008


As most of you know, Kena has been struggling with Ezcema for quite some time now. We tried EVERYTHING and when I say everything I mean it! Johnson and Johnson to Burts Bees to Earth's Best Baby Products. Nothing could clear up her skin. Finally we have come across 'California Baby' products. The most amazing stuff in the world. I have read that they have great products from some of my 'green' blogs that I read. They are sort of expensive, hard to find (the only place is Target with a few products.) but we thought we should give it a try. After her frist bath...amazing...second...even better! And the cream we used..smells like lavender and works on her ezcema within a day. She had a spot on her head, I put the cream on and by the afternoon it was gone! Finally the quest is over and I have a great smelling, non ezcema child!