Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Crying gets the sad out of you...

(that line is from one of Kena's songs)

Adam came home last night from climbing to a sobbing mess of a woman cuddled in the bed with the laptop on her lap. I am totally hooked on these blogs, peeking into other's lives. It can range from finding advice to finding out what to be truly thankful for.

One of the blogs is from a mother, whose husband is in the Christian band "Selah" who has been on the battlefield. While they were pregant with with their 4th child (I think), they found out that their baby girl had a very low percentage of living. The doctor advised them to 'terminate' the pregnancy, which they felt was wrong (God blessed them with this little girl for a reason). Well this blog tells the story of an incredibitly strong family. Check out their blog and watch the video, listen the beautiful song, read the words and the realize why I was a sobbing mess....
I also love the name of their blog...'bring on the rain'

Monday, April 28, 2008


As you might know...I have gotten caught up in the "BPA" freak out. We have gotten new bottles for Kena and are keeping our Avent ones incase there is some sort of a lawsuit. Adam and I both went back and forth about the bottles, until we went to Babiesrus and found that Avent bottles were not selling and the "Nuby" bottles are much more cost affective than we thought. For a set of three colorful bottles, $8.00, compared to $15 for a set of three Avent. UGH!! Why didn't we know about this sooner!

So, we are not going completely 'green' but we think little changes in our lifes can make a world of difference. We would love to buy those biodegradable diapers, but they are just so expensive. So we are trying in other ways.

I have found two websites/ actually blogs that I like to check to see what they have.

Z Recommends - http://zrecs.blogspot.com/
Safe Mama (thanks Melissa!) - www.safemama.com

Mamas out there, let me know if you guys have favorite sites or blogs to better understand all those crazy baby products!

Monkey Kisses,
Sara and Makena

Thursday, April 24, 2008

We are ready for SUN!

We are ALL ready for warmer weather, aren't we? The other day while it was sort of warm, we had our 'family exerise time'. Dad ran with our jogger (thank you g'ma!!!) and I rode my bike. We love that time together. We rode to the park and let kena slide down the slide a few times (she LOVES it and screamed with laughter), next time I will bring my camera. Mill Creek/Bothell has so many awesome parks (with bathrooms mind you!) all riding distance from our house.

I do have to admit, we caved...we bought new bottles. With all the BPA talk, I worried a little bit more and decided to get new bottles. I am sure you all have heard about the BPA that is leaching into our babies bottles, if not look it up. So we went to babies r us and bought BPA free bottles which...was cheaper than Avent bottles that we have been using!! Avent is normally 15.00 for a set of 3...we bought Nuby BPA free bottles...8.00 for 3. What on earth where we thinking??? I feel a little more justified buying them now that stores are pulling them off the shelves (walmart and toysrus pulled them this weekend).

Monkey Kisses,
Sara and Makena

Monday, April 21, 2008

Oh My is She a Big Girl!


For realizes....6 inches
Kena and Daddy watching the snow.
Yes she is reading at the dinner table.

How cute is that?
I love that her legs barely fit in her bumbo!

On a sunny day....She is so sweet.

"I want Pink Monkey!"

Now...how do I wash this?

A sunny day in our backyard!

Our fun day at University Village!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Makena...8 months where does the time go?

So I will post pictures later....I guess I am too lazy to actually plug in the cord and 'download' the pictures!

We have had a hard weektwo weeks ago. Kena was sick with the flu (throwing up) so she spent 3 days sleeping on mommy or daddy or grandma when she came up for the day (thank GOD she was available!). After Many, MANY loads of laundry, quite a few diapers and no sleep...she is doing much better. Earlier this week is when she started to feel better. Of course this morning I noticed she has her dry skin patch again on her forehead, which is what happens after she is sick. Poor girl has skin like her mama.

We took Kena to the doctor to have her check out her skin. We weren't afraid of allergies, but we wanted to make sure. The doctor said no worries...its just ezcema and to put cream on it. While we were there I wanted to get her weighed because we knew she was a big girl. We were right....19 lbs and 9 ounces. Keep in mind, Kena had the flu, so she hadn't been eatting She weighs more than her 11 month old cousin and her 13 month friend Riley. Atta girl, loves her food.

I have also started to make her own food (which I don't remember if I have mentioned). It is so much easier than I thought! I normally just crank the tunes while she is asleep and make about one to two weeks worth of food. I then sometime mix it with 'regular' baby food. We mainly chose to make her own because the price of baby food has gone up so much. I didn't get to nurse her very long and it was hard for me. But this has helped me with overcoming that, since now its my 'special' mommy thing I get to do for her and her only! Her favorite lately is avocados!

She now has her third tooth (we found last Thursday) and might be working on another one.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I was tagged!!

I got tagged by Kjerste, so here goes.

1. Ten years ago I was...
Lets see, I was in High School, trying to be cool. There was no way that was going to happen.

2. Things on my to do list today:
Church and making sure my child has a full tummy, clean diapers and somewhat clean clothes for the day.

3. Things I would do if I was suddenly a billionaire:
Wow...I would buy my dream car, a Land Rover. Then pay off bills and our house. I would love to do some things around the house too. I would not leave our neighborhood though, we love our neighbors! Save money for Kena's college and wedding. Also donate a lot!

4. Bad habits:
(do we have enough room?)
Letting poopy outfits sit several days before washing them. (K, we ALL do that!)
Not putting clean clothes away.
Never doing my hair and always putting it up in a pony tail.

5. Places I have lived:
Stanwood, Seattle, Lake Stevens, Kirkland and Bothell (boring I know)

6. Jobs I have now or have had:
I have had many. But my favorite was working at North Seattle Family Center as a office mananger. I loved the people there and I learned so much about other cultures and people. I really do miss helping people. The job I didn't like the most was working as a receptionist at a morgage company, the owners were really werid.

7. Things people don't know about me (quirky things about me):
I like Katsup on mac and cheese.
I always double, triple check to make sure the doors are locked.
I am sure there are so many other things!

8. Things that make my life superfabulous right now:
My superfabulous family and friends!!!! And of course how much God was blessed us!

Tagged to go next.....Melissa and my mommy!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I thought I would NEVER do this...

I am sure you are thinking...'What would you NEVER do??'....

I never thought that I would be sitting here, watching "Elmo's World" with Makena. Elmo is Makena's favorite, right next to Curious George. Elmo gives me that extra 15 minutes in the morning to take a shower or catch up on this and that. One day we were shopping in Nordstroms (ok not shopping, that stuff is so expensive) and I saw an Elmo doll and showed her. She got so excited that she almost JUMPED right out of her stroller! But now that I am a mother, I am able to let go of a lot of stuff...I guess Elmo isn't too bad.

And for those mothers who watch it....doesn't Elmo's song at the end of his show sound an awful like "Jingle Bells"? Maybe this is just a thing a mom notices....

More later! I will post pictures of the beautiful days (yes, days!) we have been having. Yesterday after Adam came home from work, Adam took the jogger with Makena and went running while I went riding on my bike. It was soooo much fun! (thank you G'ma for the jogger!!!)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A few cute pictures that my brother took....