Thursday, April 24, 2008

We are ready for SUN!

We are ALL ready for warmer weather, aren't we? The other day while it was sort of warm, we had our 'family exerise time'. Dad ran with our jogger (thank you g'ma!!!) and I rode my bike. We love that time together. We rode to the park and let kena slide down the slide a few times (she LOVES it and screamed with laughter), next time I will bring my camera. Mill Creek/Bothell has so many awesome parks (with bathrooms mind you!) all riding distance from our house.

I do have to admit, we caved...we bought new bottles. With all the BPA talk, I worried a little bit more and decided to get new bottles. I am sure you all have heard about the BPA that is leaching into our babies bottles, if not look it up. So we went to babies r us and bought BPA free bottles which...was cheaper than Avent bottles that we have been using!! Avent is normally 15.00 for a set of 3...we bought Nuby BPA free bottles...8.00 for 3. What on earth where we thinking??? I feel a little more justified buying them now that stores are pulling them off the shelves (walmart and toysrus pulled them this weekend).

Monkey Kisses,
Sara and Makena