As I sit here, its been too long since last time I blogged! My goodness! Its because, well, Kena is just too busy!
We are right now recovering from a double ear infection and pink eye. Thats right. Dada came home from work today with the stomach flu so he is stuck in his room, Kena is stuck only playing with toys I have yet to disinfect. She loves being sick because she gets to do her favorite thing, movies!
G'ma and boppa stopped by this weekend to drop off some meat and brought Kena a 'magna doddle'. Now, that is just about the best investment ever. She LOVES it. She woke up the morning after getting it and went right to it, crawled into her pink chair and went to town. They have three shapes-circle, square, and star. Everything to her is a 'circle' because thats the only word she knows.
Kena is learning how to 'test' her parents. Standing up in her pink chair is her favorite things (as I write this I have to pause to tell her to get off the chair). Kena has become She is interested in the potty, which might mean early potty training.
And I realized, two weeks ago, that this time next year we will be signing Kena up for preschool. Freaky? You have no idea.
Kena and Liv
Cousin Noah. Its hard to get a picture of him. Cousins!
Look at that girl!
Cousins trying to find kitties at Grandma Alice's house.
Sara, the sticker picture is a hoot! It looks like you both had fun! I remember being "silly" with my kids when they were little. Now....not so much anymore. I need to be silly more often! Enjoy this age!!!
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