So a few tid bits from the Cross' household....
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tid Bits...
Posted by Sara at 8:01 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thank You for following my blog...
Thank you for all that responded and said that they DO read my blog! Yes, I got warm fuzzies NOT cold pricklies.
Posted by Sara at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Pre-Easter Egg Hunt at Gold Creek
Posted by Sara at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Observations at Barnes and Noble...
..Sorry folks, this was written about last week. I am lazy and it sat as a "draft" for almost a week...
Posted by Sara at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Have you read my blog yet???
I googled "Read my Blog" and this came up....thought it was pretty funny.
Posted by Sara at 1:34 PM 7 comments
Labels: blogging
The BIG A has hit...
And what I mean by the BIG A?? Allergies!
Spring has arrived, which means that I am 'drugged' 50% of the time. Each year once fall hits I completely forget about allergies, taking OTC drugs that you are only allowed to take "one every 24 hours" and feeling like I have crusties in my eyes all the time. And if you know me, crusties in the eye is my biggest pet peeve. The worse of my allergies that I remember is when I was super pregnant, July 4th 2007. I was literally days away from our arrival, or what I thought (Kena came a week late on August 4th). At our house we have a tradition to throw a HUGE block party on the 4th. Pretty much our road is shut down, bqqs are out and we have a great time. All I remember is that I could barely see out of my droopy, watery, crusty eyes. I was constantly sneezing and frankly...because I was pregnant...couldn't do a darn thing. Well, actually I could do a darn thing-grin and bare it. Of course, I being the perfect hostess (ahem, not really) I let anyone with in a earshot know how misserable I was. Ask Adam, he remembers.
To be honest, I never grew up with allergies, or at least I don't remember. It was when I moved out to Lake Stevens then to Bothell that I had allergies, crazy huh? So there was many fond memories of Spring and Summer in my past.
Here's to praying (sneeze, sneeze, sneeze-literally right now!) that Kena doesn't get them also...
Posted by Sara at 1:23 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dad hammers teen's phone...
Read the article here
A-what is a 13 year old doing with a phone? In school? I didn't get my first cell (keep in mind it weigted like 10 lbs) until I had my first car...18 years old. My parents watched the bill and made sure I didn't over my minutes...we didn't even have text back then (boy do I sound old??).
B-I do commend the dad...hammering the phone was the best thing. And grounding her until the summer...lucky for her it wasn't until she turned 18. $4,000...I am surprised they didn't disown her. Ok, not really but wow...
C-Dad thought the phone had been disabled when it comes to text messages...surprise, surprise dad...verizon has the upper hand...
Posted by Sara at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Celebrity Apprentice
Adam and I normally sit down and watch the Celebrity Apprentice on Sunday nights. We risk the lack of sleep and watch the whole thing through until 11pm, just to see who gets kicked off. Trump always picks celebrities that will 'push the envelope', actually in the last episode that phrase was thrown around alot. Dennis Rodman and Joan Rivers, I would say are the of the celebrities. Luckily Rodman was sent home last week after drinking, I can only guess, the east river amount of Vodka and Cranberry (and let me add, what ex basketball player's choice of poisin is Vodka and Cranberry? Oh thats right...Rodman), during a task. Smart choice Trump, but it won't save his life. I was hoping that he would at least send or talk about sending him to rehab...come on Trump, think. The only one who did talk about it was Jesse James.
Anyways, thats not what episode this post is about. Last week's episode was to make a viral video (aka youtube) for All's new "small and mighty" line of detergent. Teams were mixed up to have both male and females on each side. Apparently when you think of small and mighty what else do you think of but...a little person? Come on PEOPLE! Adam and I both sat there, uneasy of what the outcome was relieving. One team decided to hire little people for there video, the other team decided to use an unrealistic model of a housewife (with 'affair' undertones).
Watched the episode, wasn't happy, but kind of pushed it to the back of my head. Until I read from a college friend's blog. Jen Montzingo over at a little zing, wrote about it from her heart. She is a little person and talks about Social Responsibility in her latest blog. Please click on that link to read what she wrote. Thank you Jen!
Posted by Sara at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
A new favorite blog! And you all know how much I love blogs!
Heather Anderson over at dooce! Awesome writer, with a great story. A mother of one and one on the way, she battled depression/anxiety and ppd with her first child. As most of you know I too battle with depression/anxiety/ppd, however don't talk about it in this blog since I have my own that is only about depression.
She is funny and creative. Its nice to get a different approach to depression...
Check it out.
Posted by Sara at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Have you ever....
Posted by Sara at 2:17 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
We are more than blessed.
Do you ever sit down and think "oh my gosh, we are so blessed!". I don't think I do it enough in a day. Yes today, my child threw up all over her carseat, then once inside threw up all over me. But those thing are so small to what we really do have. I have an amazing family. Beyond the support and love, I am blesssed with more than I can say or write. My child is healthy, happy and here with us. There is just nothing like your little girl, curled up in your arms. Or sitting watching me getting ready for the day and wanting to brush her hair (all three hairs). She has her moments, like an incredibly embrassing meltdown at the outlet mall (which resulted in a time out in the food court. I saw it on supernanny-it didn't work). But those moments are small compared to her smile, chubby cheeks and warm hugs. My husband is healthy, happy and here with us. He works so hard for our family so that I can stay home with Makena, a dream that a lot of women can only dream. He listens to me, comes home to a crying mess and gives me a hug. I've always said it takes a special man to be a daddy of a little girl and God knew exactly what He was doing. Adam might kill me for writing this but, he even plays dress up with Kena. I mean purse, tea cup in hand and scarf around the neck. Then will play indoor soccer to make sure she is well rounded.
It amazing the things I forget about it and need to be thankful for. So what are your blessings? must tend to that throwing up child! The things we do out of love.
Posted by Sara at 1:16 PM 2 comments