Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Celebrity Apprentice

Adam and I normally sit down and watch the Celebrity Apprentice on Sunday nights. We risk the lack of sleep and watch the whole thing through until 11pm, just to see who gets kicked off. Trump always picks celebrities that will 'push the envelope', actually in the last episode that phrase was thrown around alot. Dennis Rodman and Joan Rivers, I would say are the of the celebrities. Luckily Rodman was sent home last week after drinking, I can only guess, the east river amount of Vodka and Cranberry (and let me add, what ex basketball player's choice of poisin is Vodka and Cranberry? Oh thats right...Rodman), during a task. Smart choice Trump, but it won't save his life. I was hoping that he would at least send or talk about sending him to rehab...come on Trump, think. The only one who did talk about it was Jesse James.

Anyways, thats not what episode this post is about. Last week's episode was to make a viral video (aka youtube) for All's new "small and mighty" line of detergent. Teams were mixed up to have both male and females on each side. Apparently when you think of small and mighty what else do you think of but...a little person? Come on PEOPLE! Adam and I both sat there, uneasy of what the outcome was relieving. One team decided to hire little people for there video, the other team decided to use an unrealistic model of a housewife (with 'affair' undertones).

Watched the episode, wasn't happy, but kind of pushed it to the back of my head. Until I read from a college friend's blog. Jen Montzingo over at a little zing, wrote about it from her heart. She is a little person and talks about Social Responsibility in her latest blog. Please click on that link to read what she wrote. Thank you Jen!