Community on NBC. Thursday Nights starting September 17th.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Probably the most promising show this fall...since F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Posted by Sara at 3:52 PM 1 comments
Ok...please tell me...
are you freaking about about the swine flu?
Posted by Sara at 2:34 PM 4 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Are you RIPE?

Posted by Sara at 2:39 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Three...count them THREE CD's you must own if... are a parent.

Posted by Sara at 9:45 PM 1 comments
Thank you
First, after you read this blog jump on over to April Baker's blog at She has a super cute blog with GREAT giveaways!
AND WON!!! I was super excited! I won the ebook. Of course I dove right in.
This book is great for those who are new/interested in photography. I love that she talks about what type of camera would fit you best. Talks about all the 'buttons' (and let me tell you there is a bunch on my digtal slr), and muiltple functions. My favorite part is learning about 'lighting'. Who would have known cloudy is the best type of lighting?? She backs all this up with her own photos and stories behind them.
Thank you April!!!
Posted by Sara at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Happy National Cupcake Day!!
Posted by Sara at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The many 'cheese' faces of Makena
Some pictures for your enjoyment....
Posted by Sara at 3:21 PM 0 comments
If you ever thought Kena wasn't my child...
During a trip to Camano Island, Kena was throwing rocks into the water. Somehow, she lost her balance (she is bound to with her genetics) and landed face first into the water. I laugh each time I see this picture. As it reminds me that, most certianly, that is my child. NO balance...and NOT graceful.
Posted by Sara at 3:16 PM 0 comments
I LOVE this age...
Posted by Sara at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
So many things...
At her Birthday Party!:
Posted by Sara at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Poop in the potty...
(everyone sing with me..)
Poop in the potty
Poop goes in the potty
Poop in the potty
Poop goes in the potty
Yes, we have (*sort of*) started potty training with Kena. As some of you know, Kena does things in her own timing...big surpise, look at her mom. She has been very interested in the 'potty' lately so we have let her do her own thing. Lots of toots, but we thought, someday it will click. Well that day sort of came earlier than later. For the past 6 days, I have only changed 2 poopy diapers. Ok, really for the past 5 days, one day was at g'ma and boppa's house (that happens when you are in a different place). She LOVES going poop in the potty! The other day we were at grandma's (she has a BIG outside deck) and I decided to pop her in her undies on monday and let her run around. Surprisingly, no pees! She hasn't gone pee yet in the potty, but she didn't wet her undies either.
Kena is so funny when it comes to hanging out on the potty. Why you might ask? Because she could camp out there if she wanted. The other day she had...her milk, snack, and book in the bathroom. And of course mommy or daddy to chat with.
I don't think of this as 'training' as more as it is to just listen to Kena. For special treats as a reward is: one sticker for pee, two stickers and a phone call for poop. She gets to call anyone she wants and tells them she went poop in the potty. So far that reward system as work. I watched a dr.phil show (yikes I know) a while back with Adam and dr. phil did potty training in one day. Well I am not even close to doing that, but we did adapt one thing from him...the phone call. As a reward to the child when they finally go poop/pee the child would get a call from their favorite character on tv (for example..thomas the tank engine). For us, Kena gets to call someone when she makes a poop...which is kind of nice. Because I am sure she gets sick of the praises from mommy and daddy. So making a phone call is a nice spin on it.
but...with a two year old you never know how long that will last....
Ok...enough about poop and pee.
I promise in the next couple of days I will post about Kena's 2nd birthday. I have been having computer issues (maybe a bright orange laptop is in my future??? I know...not even close), so uploading pictures seem like an impossbily long task. Save that for another day...
Posted by Sara at 12:00 PM 0 comments