Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ok...please tell me...

are you freaking about about the swine flu?

When this happened, oh six months ago, I don't think I was as 'worried' as I am now. Its all media driven, but how much isn't? I was watching a episode of 'momversation' today and the talk was about 'are you getting vaccation?'. In our family, yes. I am a mom who believes in vaccations (my mother in law is a retired nurse and my brother in law is a scientist.), however if you are a mom that doesn't believe in them...fine. From what I heard its a series of two shots, then you are guarded from it...but that doesn't include the normal flu! Because I have a toddler and I work in a preschool, if there is short supply, I should be able to get one.

But I guess I am just a little worried about the swine flu, as we start school in two weeks. I work at a preschool at my church...around 300 kids. Last year we had a family 'withdrawal' their children for the fear of the swine flu...what on earth are they going to do now? I saw a video on yahoo the other day (it might have been from 'good morning america, i can't remember) that said up to 60,000 might die (mainly children and elderly) from this flu...that makes me pee my pants.

Adam is trying his best to help me not freak out about it. But I also want to hear from you ladies...what do you think of all this??? I would love to start a conversation on the 'freak out' media driven? Are you worried? Even you ladies that are NOT moms, are you going to get the shot? Are you worried about it???

Just curious...


Hannah said...

Having Asthma, I can get a shot, but that doesn't mean my kids can get it. If it is available, I will choose to vacinate my kids. My mom used to manage a hospital lab, so we are all into the medical interventions.

Personally, from what I have read, it is just like the normal flu. Thousands die every year from the normal flu...both the elders and the kids. They don't have the immune systems to deal with it. Part is media hype, but part is parental responsibility in hand washing....I guess that means the Purell goes back into the car.

kschei said...

13,000+ have died SINCE JANUARY 2009 of the seasonal flu! Hannah said it well... there's responsibility in the hands of the parents to be aware and educated in their decisions. Then rest in the faithfulness of our God... WHATEVER that may mean in the long run.

Hannah said...

We were in the DR office today for another matter and I asked her about it. She is advocating her parents give the kids and themselves the shots. Right now it looks to be a series of 2, possibly 3 depending upon the clinical trials that come out of Children's Hospital (going on now)...she said, start calling in mid Sept because it should be available by Oct.

Here is praying everyone stays healthy!!!

Kjerste said...

I don't know. I'm always a little leery of new vaccines. I am rethinking things like the mommy and me ballet class I wanted to do. Besides, that was more for me anyways. She isn't even two and wont remember it... So hard to be a mom and have to make these decisions. Remember when we were little and someone else made all the tough calls for us?!