Now, I don't claim to be an expert. But I think that I have a love of music and I want Kena to have a similar love. And I have talked about this before in previous music. Ugh, it either makes your ears bleed or you want to cut them off. SOME might make you do recommendations, will not.
Jack Johnson and Friends. Sing-a-longs and Lullabies for the film Curious George. Who doesn't love the easy sounds of Jack Johnson. It makes me think of the Hawaiian Breeze and the smell of the islands. This CD, which is one of Kena's favorite is easy for the parents to listen to. It even has a fun rendation of "We are going to be Friends", the lead song in Napoleon Dynamite. Kena knows his music and will scream "JACK" when she hears it. And will act like a monkey during "upside down" the lead song in Curious George film.
Anything (and I mean ANYTHING) by Dan Zanes and friends. I have listened to his music before but was very grateful when my friend Whitney copied me "All around the Kitchen" a CD by Dan Zanes and Friends. There isn't a song I would 'skip' over on any of CD's. Kena favorite is any song featuring "Father Goose" one of Dan Zane's friends. Father Goose is from Jamaica and brings his awesome 'hip hop' music to the CD. Dan likes to bring back some old songs, not just inventing new songs. Like one my favorites "Pay me you owe me" which is an old worker song from South Carolina. Kena is really funny singing that song! Another one of my favorites is "Hello" which at the end sings "hello" in different languages! moshi moshi is my fav (japanese). More on the folky side, I really think this is the best kid singer out there.
Elizabeth Mitchell, Little Bird and
You are my Flower. Thank you to my friend Nette, you also gave me a copy of Elizabeth Mitchell's CD. A bit more mellow than the others before her, she is perfect for those screaming fits in the car when you just need your kiddo to calm down! Also, leaps better than the classical music (because this won't make you fall asleep to). She also takes old folk songs and gives them new life. I have had a few car rides where I would have a few tears in my eyes thinking of Kena (baby to now toddler)...and these songs make you think of it.
1 day, 2 days, 3 days old on you are my flower takes each day until they are 20 days old and makes a cute little song out of it. (I'm a little butterfly one mintue old). And she does a beautiful cover of Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds" (which has special meaning to me). Adorable and tugs at your heart (well at least it did to mine).
So, if you are interested...check them out at your library!
Ok, so what are your favorites??? What CD is currently in your car player???
Lately we've been enjoying the Putumayo collection of CD's. The Asian Dreamland is in our player now. :) Thanks for the hot tips!
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