Monday, March 31, 2008
Posted by Sara at 8:17 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter!
Posted by Sara at 7:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Easter Part One...
I have to admit, I have the cutest girl ever (sorry friends and family with girls!). I promise to post pictures after Sunday, but Kena wore her Easter dress today and she was beautiful. We did try it on her the other night and I almost cried. Her dress was perfect for her, her little shoes, everything!
Today we had my family over for Easter and we went to our Church's Easter egghunt. Kena of course didn't get any eggs, we just went there to show her off! Then we came home, the Easter Bunny had visited and Kena got to look in her easter basket! Boy did that bunny spoil her! Probably the most exciting thing for her was her new Curious George DVD from G'pa! G'ma gave Kena little peeps stuff animals (thank you!!! Gotta pass on the tradition!). We had a great day which ended with Kena being up for over 4 hours and taking, so far a 2 1/2 hour nap!
I know once she wakes up we will have to watch the George dvd (I guess I can turn off basketball)!
Until tomorrow...
Happy Easter!!! He has Risen!!
Posted by Sara at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
OOOOH So Sweet!
So How cute is our little Makena! I will post more pictures later today, but Makena is being a little sassy (not much of a surprise!) but I wanted to give you all a little taste of what she has been doing lately!
Posted by Sara at 7:02 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I have a Makena permently attached to my lap...
I am not sure WHAT is going on with this little girl, but its seems the best place for her is in my lap. As I write this Kena is sitting in my lap (passing toots mind you), rubbing her head against the fireplace guard and spitting. She keeps on taking her binky out of her mouth, then putting it back. Tugging at my sweatshirt and grunting. Kena's new thing for the past couple of days is grunting, I mean like a man after a couple of beers grunting. Ok I just did what I tell people I don't do... I just popped in a video for her to watch, to let my lap have a rest. And NOW she is not crying! I feel horrible about it, but really I am sure she will understand.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE let finding comfort in me, but then I really can't get anything done. I know, I need to enjoy these times. "So Sara relax! Enjoy!" I am sure you are all thinking. Ok, you are right!
We had a very busy weekend, which led into a busy work week. I will have pictures of Kena's first "race" tomorrow. Adam ran with the jogger in the St.Patty's day run on Sunday and of course like every year we had a blast! I love spending that time with my family and cheering racers on. If you haven't been to a sporting event with my family, watch out! G'pa Cutforth gave her an aligator, Ali, that haven't been away from her since.
I will post pictures tomorrow, I think I will finish my laundry, put Kena to bed and watch "dancing with the stars".
Posted by Sara at 6:07 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
A song..
So this little song is on a movie called "Knocked Up" which, as inapporiate as is it, is hilarous. And if you have had a child you know exactly what Alison, the main character went through. Anyhoo, they have a great song at the very end of the moive that describes perfectly the relationship between a daughter and father.
Last night, Adam was putting Kena to bed, but before that Kena came out to mommy to say goodnight in the living room. I said 'goodnight' gave her three kisses and let Adam put her to bed. Right as Adam and Kena was leaving the room I looked up to see them leave and I saw what made me think of this song. Adam, the manly man, had Kena in girly polkadot jammies, her lovey blanket tucked between the two of them and Molly the Dolly under his chin. It was really a cute sight...
Here is the song:
Loudon Wainwright Iii - Daughter
Everything she sees she says she wants.
Everything she wants I see she gets.
That's my daughter in the water everything she owns I bought her.
Everything she owns.
That's my daughter in the water, everything she knows I taught her.
Everything she knows.
Everything I say she takes to heart.
Everything she takes she takes apart.
That's my daughter in the water every time she fell I caught her.
Every time she fell.
That's my daughter in the water, I lost every time I fought her.
I lost every time.
Every time she blinks she strikes somebody blind.
Everything she thinks blows her tiny mind.
That's my daughter in the water, who'd have ever thought her?
Who'd have ever thought?
That's my daughter in the water, I lost everytime I fought her Yea, I lost every time.
Posted by Sara at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
I am not quite sure what to title this blog. Nothing clever, just a little bit about our weekend.
We had a whole day in Seattle on Saturday. Baby Kena, Adam and I stopped at our 'old stomping grounds' or what I like to call 'the city where mommy and daddy fell in love' (adam hates that.). Starting off at Westlake, then a walk down to busy Pikes where we found out why we shouldn't have brought the stroller. Kena was a trooper! She loved looking around at all the people and sites. My absolute favorite part of the day was when we were at the original Starbucks at Pikes. There are these three lovely old men that sing there (I think they are always the same group) they sang 'the boardwalk' and Kena danced in her stroller. When the men stopped they of course waved at Kena, being the about the cutest baby. While we walked through Pike's Adam let me know which business he sold seafood to, interesting! After Pike's we did the long walk up to Pacific Place Mall where we parked. While we did our last of our 'window shopping' I decided to take Kena out of the stroller for a little break. BIG MISTAKE, yup, her diaper was completely full and had leaked on the seat its self. We pretty much just rolled our eyes and I took her to the bathroom to do the quick change. That was our sign to head home.
Sunday was our normal day of chores and church!
Today Kena got to play with her cousin's Noah and Olivia. She had a blast! Kena's personality is really coming through, it awesome!
Posted by Sara at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Another day..
We have been so busy lately that I haven't had a chance to write! This weeks/weekend project was our master bedroom. We bought some fablous bedding and painted with two great colors. Adam even took the time to paint stripes on the wall!! I will post pictures soon since I am so proud of what my hubby did!
Kena has been battling eczema for the last couple of days. Yesterday the only thing that helped her was being only in a diaper...unless she just really wanted to be nudie (I think she just wanted to be nudie!). I think it bothers me more since I don't want any discomfort on her. I have decided to try all natural products to see if it helps. I guess it can just be the weather changing, since I have been getting spots also....
Well, little one is ready for a nap!
Posted by Sara at 1:08 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
A quick website plug...
I have to do a quick website plug. My mom got me hooked on this website when she order Kena 'monkey hair rubberbands'. I am sure many have heard of it, but I have to say, its one of my favorites:
Its all handmade products and you can some funky stuff on there. I like to take my time at night while Kena is asleep and shop a little bit. Its kinda hippy like, but to be honest, I am kinda hippy. I am going to order some legwarmers for Kena's easter basket.
That brings me to another favorite of mine. A dear friend Whitney bought Kena 'babylegs' which are baby legwarmers and they are the best thing alive! On warm days I just put her in a onesie, a pair of babylegs and let her go crazy! They are awesome of those babies that are learning to move around, but its still cold for their little legs. If you haven't seen them before, google it, they are awesome!
One more plug....We have found much success with Burts Bees Apricot Oil for baby! Kena has dry skin and we put a few drops in her bath and its awesome. We are also trying the Burts Bees shampoo and body wash. I am trying to use more natural stuff on our family, just trying to do our part!
Sorry...long blog, but a quick one!
Posted by Sara at 6:48 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Busy days...
Hey Friends!
On Thursday morning Kena and I went to pick up her new blankets from our friend Suzi. Suzi is making these 'minky' blankets to earn money for adopting a baby boy in Africa. I am all about adopting, so to support her I bought Kena two 'lovey' sized blankets. And I have to tell you I can't tear the lovey away from her! She LOVES it!! I bought two, one for the house and one for travel, just in case one gets lost. We got the green one below, they are soooooooo cute and for a good cause. So I wanted to plug them, please let me know if you are interested! They are great as gifts and for your little ones! As I write this Makena is asleep, with it tightly in her hands!
We offically think Kena is a big girl now. Adam and I bought her a 'converted' car seat, so it will go up to 65 pounds. We decided to go to the outlet malls (also to go to Carters to buy her more onesies) to try out the carseat. She LOVED it!!!! We bought the Britax and of course in a girly color, yellow with flowers. We decided when the time comes, if we have another one she will still be in this carseat so might as well make it girly for her! She had a great time and fell asleep in it also! We just can't believe how big she is now!! Its unbelieveable!
Kena has calmed down since her teething and now just coughing and still has the runny nose. She is sleeping through the night again (thank goodness) so its going way better now!
Will give you more pictures soon!
Posted by Sara at 8:39 PM 1 comments