Sweet Makena with G'ma!

Kena loves her daddy!

Look at those arms.

This is my favorite!

Cousin Olivia and Makena in their Easter Dresses!

"Wait I want to play with you" Says Makena

Mommy adores her!

Uncle Tyler and Makena having a staring contest.

Might as well end the day nudie!
We had a very busy weekend and are still recovering (ok, maybe I am more than the others!).
I wanted to say "Congrats!!" to Adam for a VERY large sale of Crab today at work! We are sooo proud of him!
This is too weird, Sarah! I had both those adorable dresses in hand at the Carters outlet the other day. I ended up only buying the one your niece is wearing because I couldn't justify getting both! Still wish I'd bought the adorable pink one, too! Anyways, in the end, Kaiya wore my baby easter dress, so we're saving the poka-dot dress for this summer. Cute, cute pictures! Congrats to Adam!
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